Understanding the Financial Dynamics of SMEs: The Impact of Literacy, Inclusion, and Education on Financial Behavior in Small Food Stall Businesses in Bekasi Regency


  • Naseha Elkarima Batam University, Indonesia
  • Muammar Khaddafi Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Daniel Batam University, Indonesia
  • Desi Efna Batam University, Indonesia
  • Kemistia Eva Batam University, Indonesia
  • Liza Rickiany Batam University, Indonesia
  • Poppy Dewi Anggraeni Batam University, Indonesia
  • Nopy Andrian Batam University, Indonesia
  • Syaidil Abyadi Batam University, Indonesia




SMEs, financial literacy, financial inclusion, education, financial behavior, small food stalls, Bekasi Regency


This research explores the intricate financial dynamics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) by investigating the influence of financial literacy, financial inclusion, and education on the financial behavior of small food stall businesses in Bekasi Regency. The study confirms that financial literacy significantly and positively affects the financial behavior of food stall entrepreneurs, emphasizing its role in effective financial management. Financial inclusion also plays a pivotal role, with a positive correlation between access to financial services and favorable financial behavior, though disparities in utilization exist. Moreover, education exhibits a significant positive influence on financial behavior, highlighting the benefits of higher education levels among entrepreneurs. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of enhancing financial literacy and inclusion initiatives for SMEs to promote sound financial practices and informed decision-making. These insights are valuable for policymakers, financial institutions, and SME support organizations seeking to foster the growth and sustainability of small businesses in the region.


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How to Cite

Elkarima, N., Khaddafi, M., Daniel, Efna, D., Eva, K., Rickiany, L., … Abyadi, S. (2024). Understanding the Financial Dynamics of SMEs: The Impact of Literacy, Inclusion, and Education on Financial Behavior in Small Food Stall Businesses in Bekasi Regency. International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary, 2(4), 1011–1023. https://doi.org/10.38035/ijam.v2i4.469