
  • Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Penelitian Terapan

    Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Penelitian Terapan (JPMPT) Jurnal akademik yang mematuhi standar ulasan sejawat tertinggi. Jurnal ini fokus pada Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Jurnal ini memiliki "karakter" terbuka dan berkontribusi dari hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat; dan menjelaskan dalam membimbing karakteristik masyarakat, bangsa, dan ideologi.

  • Greenation Law and Humanities Review

    Greenation Law an Humanities Review (GLHR) is a scholarly journal that examines the dynamic relationship between law and the humanities. The journal aims to present interdisciplinary research that explores how legal principles interact with various aspects of the humanities, including philosophy, literature, history, and culture. With a focus on critical and analytical approaches, the journal aims to deepen the understanding of how law not only affects society but is also influenced by values, ideas, and cultural contexts.

  • International Journal of Psychology and Health Science

    International Journal of Psychology and Health Science (IJPHS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Greenation Publisher and Yayasan Global Research National. IJPHS welcomes research papers in diverse health and psychology topics including Occupational Health, HIV, Clinical Health, Public Health, Community Health, Critical Health, Health Policies, Occupational Health Psychology, Research Methods in Health Psychology, Health Behavioural Change, Managing People, Psychological Assessments, Stress Theory, Measurement and Management, Mental Health and Primary Care, Psychological Interventions and a host of others related areas.

  • Greenation Education and Culture Review

    Greenation Education and Culture Review (GECR) is a scholarly journal that focuses on the in-depth study of the relationship between education and culture. The journal aims to present high-quality research that explores how education shapes and is influenced by cultural dynamics, as well as how cultural change can affect educational practices and policies in various global contexts.

    GECR is a national, peer reviewed, open access and scientific journal that publishes research papers, review papers, mini reviews, case reports, case studies, short communications, letters, editorials, books, theses, dissertation works, etc., from all Aspects of Science. Once published, articles are available for free online without any restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers and readers worldwide.

  • Jurnal Ilmu Multidisplin

    Jurnal Ilmu Multidisplin (JIM) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Greenation Publisher di bawah naungan Yayasan Global Research National (GREENATION). Perbitan jurnal ini 4 kali dalam setahun yaitu April, Juli, Oktober, dan Januari. 

    JIM adalah jurnal nasional, peer review, akses terbuka dan ilmiah yang menerbitkan makalah penelitian, makalah review, review mini, laporan kasus, studi kasus, komunikasi singkat, surat, editorial, buku, tesis, karya disertasi, dll, dari semua Aspek Ilmu. Setelah diterbitkan, artikel tersedia secara gratis melalui online tanpa batasan apa pun atau langganan lain untuk peneliti dan pembaca di seluruh dunia.

  • Greenation Computer and Information Review

    Greenation Computer and Information Review (GCIR) is a scientific journal published by Greenation Publisher under the auspices of the Yayasan Global Resarch National (GREENATION). This journal is published 4 times a year, namely April, July, October and January.

    GCIR is a national, peer reviewed, open access and scientific journal that publishes research papers, review papers, mini reviews, case reports, case studies, short communications, letters, editorials, books, theses, dissertation works, etc., from all Aspects of Science. Once published, articles are available for free online without any restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers and readers worldwide.

  • International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary

    International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary (IJAM) is a scientific journal published by Greenation Publisher under the auspices of the Yayasan Global Research National (GREENATION). This journal is published 4 times a year, namely April, July, October and January.

    IJAM is a national, peer reviewed, open access and scientific journal that publishes research papers, review papers, mini reviews, case reports, case studies, short communications, letters, editorials, books, theses, dissertation works, etc., from all Aspects of Science. Once published, articles are available for free online without any restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers and readers worldwide.

  • Greenation Management and Business Review

    Greenation Management and Business Review (GMBR) is a scientific journal published by Greenation Publisher under the auspices of the Yayasan Global Resarch National (GREENATION). This journal is published 4 times a year, namely April, July, October and January.

    GMBR is a national, peer reviewed, open access and scientific journal that publishes research papers, review papers, mini reviews, case reports, case studies, short communications, letters, editorials, books, theses, dissertation works, etc., from all Aspects of Science. Once published, articles are available for free online without any restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers and readers worldwide.