Pengaruh Kurs dan Modal Sendiri Terhadap Laba Bersih pada PT. United Tractor Tbk di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei) Periode 2006-2018


  • Susi Artati Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Jambi, Indonesia



Exchange Rate, Capital, Net Profit, Growth, Sales


This study aims to examine and determine the effect of Exchange Rate and Equity on Net Income of the company PT. United Tractors. Tbk is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2006-2018 period. This study uses quantitative data sourced from secondary data. The data analysis technique used is the classical assumption test, descriptive statistical test, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study found that researchers carried out the F test, which is a simultaneous test on exchange rates and equity variables on net income. On two variables at once, namely the Exchange Rate and Own Capital on the Net Profit variable, the results are 0.000 <0.05 and fcount 18.448 > Ftable 3.98 so that it can be concluded fcount > Ftable thus there is an effect of the Exchange Rate and Equity variables simultaneously on Net Profit . Then the t test is tested partially on the exchange rate and equity variables on net income with the results of the exchange rate variable and the result is that the value of tcount (-1.179) while ttable is 2.228 can be concluded that tcount <ttable, thus there is no effect between the exchange rate on Net profit. Meanwhile with the Own Capital variable and the result is that the value of tcount is 4.278 while ttable is 2.228 it can be concluded that tcount > ttable, thus there is an influence between Own Capital on Net Income.


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How to Cite

Artati, S. . (2023). Pengaruh Kurs dan Modal Sendiri Terhadap Laba Bersih pada PT. United Tractor Tbk di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei) Periode 2006-2018. Jurnal Ilmu Multidisplin, 1(4), 931–938.